Deskripsi Perusahaan

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang online shop

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

- Responsible for handling all marketplace (upload product, customer chat, and keep in track with each order until delivery) - Doing Live Streaming together with content creator division

Syarat Pekerjaan

- Female max 35 yo, residing in West Jakarta / Tangerang area NIP - D3 / S1 any major with min 1 year and reporting tools will be beneficial - Full time WFO position only (location at Semanan Cengkareng)

  • Tingkat Pendidikan



  • Jenis Kelamin



  • Usia Maksimal


    35 Tahun

  • Status Kerja


  • Full Time

Ringkasan Lowongan