Deskripsi Perusahaan
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang development aplikasi
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Work with kol planner to complete the grid - Reach out the influencers to negotiate and invite in the campaign, include discusion if content will be used as ads - Once locked, request administration from payment gateway (Contracting, Invoicing /tax, Fee) - Once admin is done, brief the kol with the approved KOL brief, brief must include intellectual propertly rights - Manage timeline for the campaign based on brief - follow-thru with the schedule on submission of storyline, draft, content, revision - Quality check the content with KOL planner and kontent strategist to ensure quality of content - Lialise with clients on revision or approval - Report posting and monitoring performance
Syarat Pekerjaan
- Minimum 1 year of work experience in content management or partner relations - Can work under pressure - Creative, innovative and results oriented - Understand social media trends and dynamics - Can work individually or in a team - Analytical capabilities to measure content performance - active and passive English language skills
Tips Untuk Pelamar
- Jangan lupa sampaikan anda mendapat Info Lowongan Kerja dari LOKER JAKARTA ID
- Buatlah CV (Curriculum Vitae) atau Daftar Riwayat Hidup dan Surat Lamaran Kerja semenarik mungkin agar lebih mendapat perhatian HRD. Buat CV Cepat dan Praktis di BikinCV dan lihat juga Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja yang baik dan benar.
- Ketika melamar lowongan kerja, anda tidak boleh membayar sejumlah uang kepada seseorang/ perusahaan. Jika ada yang meminta, Tolak Saja! Kemungkinan besar itu adalah sebuah penipuan.
- Belakangan ini sering terjadi penipuan kepada calon pencari kerja. Selalu berhati-hati dan waspada terhadap segala bentuk penipuan!